The Moonshot Speaker Series: Jim Stuart

Dim lit room, dusty boxes, and thoughtless human interaction. This environment is not how consumers should choose to spend hundreds of dollars on home appliances. Jim Stuart, founder of Pirch, saw it this way too. Jim wanted to disrupt the retail sector, not with online shopping, but with his own company, Pirch. A couple weeks ago, Jim traveled to Team One to share his inspirational start-up story at our Moonshot Speaker Series powered by Inc.

Pirch is a breakthrough retail store that lets customers test kitchen, outdoor, and bathroom appliances, ranging stove tops to showers and everything in between. Walking through the doors of Pirch, customers are greeted with specialty coffee and encouraged to take all the time they need. The average time spent in his stores around two hours. Jim created a place where people focus on what memories an appliance will provide rather than the price it costs.

Re-creating the experience of customers that enter Pirch, Team One had their own coffee bar as attendees entered the building. Viewers listened to Jim as he spoke about his ambition to create a retail store in the midst of eCommerce and how his employees go through a training called “The Joy” that focuses on human experiences.

Ultimately, a legacy Jim would like to leave on the world is to teach people to slow down and live in the moment. He believes humanity is the new luxury.

The Moonshot Speaker Series powered by Inc. is a bimonthly intimate discussion hosted by Team One to showcase those that have disrupted their industries, inspiring our staff, clients and industry.


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